6 Tips for a Healthier, Stronger Heart + OMAX Ultra Pure Omega3 & Why You Need It

I love summertime for all of it’s healthy, relaxing, fun, heart-pumping outdoor activities! It’s the best time of year to get in shape, and thanks to yummy fresh fruits and vegetables being widely available at your supermarket and local farmers market, it makes it the perfect time of year to eat healthier too!

Speaking of getting out, being active, and eating healthier, it’s important to remember that the #1 cause of death in women is Heart Disease. Sorry to be a Debbie downer by bringing that up on this lovely sunny summer day, but by ignoring the facts, you’re doing yourself a total disservice! Knowledge is power people!  – So read on for my 6 top tips for a healthier, heart!


6 Tips for a Stronger, Healthier Heart:

1. Eat Right. It’s no secret that eating unhealthy not only causes you to gain weight, lose energy, and puts you at risk for a whole ton of health problems, but it’s also negatively affecting your heart. Your heart is the center of it all and if it’s not working right, health can take a rapid and rigorous decline. Eat less processed, fatty, sugary foods, and more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fiber. Be sure to also watch your Cholesterol levels too, as this can play an important part in keeping the heart healthy and strong. Too much cholesterol is damaging to the heart and arteries, so be sure to keep a watchful eye on how much cholesterol you’re putting into your body.

2. Exercise. I know, sometimes even suggesting this can be like beating a dead horse, but it’s important! Not only for your heart, but it also helps your body become stronger, improves metabolism, help you lose weight, helps you have more energy, and the list goes on and on. If you’ve slacked in the past, set a small weekly goal of walking for 20 minutes twice that week, then work your way up to a more frequent, longer, walk, then eventually to some jogging, weightlifting, yoga, pilates, etc. Start small. As you meet your goals, set bigger goals each week until you are working out 4-5 days a week for 30 minutes each.

If you’re overweight, getting your weight down to a normal BMI (Body Mass Index) is absolutely necessary, as extra weight also puts extra pressure on the heart, causing it to have to work harder.

3. Stop Smoking! Also an obvious one but a very important one. Smoking not only is bad for the lungs (and causes a whole host of other health problems!) but it stresses the heart and makes it have to work harder to pump blood efficiently throughout the body. E-cigarettes aren’t doing you any favors here either. While they may not contain the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes, they do still contain Nicotine, which is still toxic to the body. Make a promise to yourself today to put the cigarette down, and your heart will thank you!

4. Watch Your Blood Pressure. It’s the most common medical risk factor for heart disease and one that affects nearly 50 million people in the U.S. alone. Seek medical attention if it’s constantly running high.

5. Keep Anger and Stress in Check. It’s not just what you’re putting in your body that can positively or negatively affect your heart, but it’s also the feelings and emotions your body is experiencing that can have a negative affect on the heart as well. Try to find time to relax every day doing or make time to do something you enjoy. Meditation and yoga are great for helping to relieve stress. Don’t be afraid to seek help from a professional if you are dealing with anger issues.

6. Take the Right Hearth-Healthy Supplement. Your body requires many different nutrients to stay healthy. Some of these nutrients, like essential fatty acids, cannot be produced by your body and must come from your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for lowering triglycerides safely and may help to reduce blood pressure too. There are two essential fatty acids that are the building blocks of every cell membrane in your body, omega-6, and omega-3.  Omega 3’s have been touted as a leading super-food supplement, recommended by top doctors around the worldOmax3 Ulta Pure provides your body with the omega-3 acids you need to stay healthy. It was also specially designed with a high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids, for the specific purpose of not negatively affecting LDL cholesterol. Taking it daily also helps decrease joint stiffness and helps improve muscle recovery time (for those workouts I know you’re going to start doing religiously now!)

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to supporting health from your head to your feet. Improving heart health, brain function and helping your body resolve inflammation are just the start. Omax3 Ultra-Pure was optimized to reduce inflammation (which has been linked to several health concerns) and support heart, mood, mind and joint health too.

Humans evolved on a paleo diet balanced in both omega-3 and omega-6. Today, we eat too much processed foods high in omega-6, up to 20 times more than omega-3s. This imbalance is believed to cause uncontrolled inflammation within the body. Taking a daily omega 3 can help balance the body and keep it in check.

Choosing the Right Omega-3 Supplement
To maximize the benefits of omega-3 supplements, it’s important to get a meaningful amount of a pure and concentrated omega-3 that is tested for safety. The American Heart Association recommends 500-1000 mg of omega-3 per day for a healthy person, and more for those with health concerns. Created by Yale-affiliate scientists using an evolutionary ProResolv formula, Omax Ultra Pure omega 3, was designed with a high EPA ratio to naturally resolve inflammation in the body. Omax3 is 93.9% omega-3 supplement that provides a powerful 1500 mg of pure omega-3 in just 2 soft gels (and way more than you’ll find in other brands on the market).
OMAX Omega 3

Omax3 Ultra-Pure Fish Oil is purified through a 5x distillation process and it’s certified for purity and potency. It is also up to 16x more omega-3 content per serving than top selling krill oil.

The downside of taking a daily omega 3? Well, I probably don’t have to tell you if you’ve ever taken one, but in case you haven’t… it’s hands down the awful fish smell you get with them! And don’t even get me started on the nasty fishy-filled burps you may get later! No one likes to open a fishy smelling bottle of supplements! Luckily though,  Omax3 capsules are individually sealed in blister packs, ensuring premium quality & freshness. I was also pretty amazed to pull it out of the package and not even notice a hint of fish! Nothing! No taste, no smell, and no nasty fish burps either!

And the real test? My cat jumped up on my bathroom counter as I was popping one of these babies out of the package and I thought, “oh boy, hurry and grab it or my cat will be all over it!”  – as my cat has gone nuts for the previous fish oil supplements I’ve taken in the past. But instead, he sniffed around the counter, not particularly focusing on anything, including my Omax Ultra Pure 3, and then jumped back down. What just happened?! My cat couldn’t even smell any fishy scent from these amazing supplements! That’s all the proof I needed right there that I wouldn’t be experiencing any nasty fishy side effects with this fantastic omega 3!

Interested in helping your heart become stronger today? Put these 6 tips into practice ASAP and learn more about this fantastic omega 3 supplements by Omax and shop it here at Omax3.com

Happy Healthy Living!

*This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are solely my own. I only share reviews with my readers, I feel will be beneficial or informative in some way

5 thoughts on “6 Tips for a Healthier, Stronger Heart + OMAX Ultra Pure Omega3 & Why You Need It”

  1. I need this! I’m ashamed to say I smoke, I’m overweight, I have high blood pressure, and I have MUCHO stress. Guess I’m a heart attack waiting to happen, OMG!

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