I love some good pampering products just like the next girl, maybe even more. Nothing beats a nice relaxing bath after a crazy week, especially when its as cold as it’s been! I’m always on the hunt for some amazing bath, body, and spa products!
I recently came across HoneyCat Cosmetics. Being the huge cat lover that I am, I was immediately drawn to them by the name alone! Thats right, if you were wondering, HoneyCat is indeed referring to Cats, how adorable is that! The HoneyCat line uses the Cat Symbol to signify female strength. You can find super cute Female-Cat like pictures and catchy titles like the, “You Gotta be Kitten Me” Pomegranate shower gel or the “Paw Batter” chocolate mint foot cream on all of their wonderful line of products!
HoneyCat offers a wide range of products for every skin care need! Foot creams, hand creams, bath soaks and bath fizzes, body cream, body butter, scrubs, soaps, and even lip creams!
I was so excited to try out some products from HoneyCat. I dived right into them as soon as they showed up my door. I filled up my bath and threw in the bath fizzy (not pictured here, because I got so excited about it, I completely forgot to take a picture first) pulled out the shower gel and soaked up my amazing HoneyCat Product!
I’ve been using these products for the last few weeks and am nothing short of completely in love with this line! These products contain some of the most amazing ingredients that leave your skin feeling incredibly soft (like silk), moisturized, and feeling as fabulous as ever!
I can’t even tell you which one of these was my favorite because I loved them all so much! But let me give you the scoop on each one!
Like I said above, I didn’t get a picture of the bath fizzy but it was absolute heaven! A sexy red, pomegranate fizzy that fizzed in the tub for about 5 minutes, and immediately I could feel it on my skin! It felt silky smooth! I kept touching my arms and legs because my skin just glided against each other. I don’t ever remember feeling this smooth, even after a really good scrub.

Next up, I tried the “Cat Tails for Two” Grand Marnier and Apricot Shower gel. Oh my goodness, let me tell you, this is the best smelling shower gel ever! I can’t even begin to explain how wonderful it smells. Like the name, you get this burst of apricot, but its not a fruity scent, just a really sensual, super sexy scent. I didn’t even want to put any perfume or lotion on after using this because I wanted this scent to stay with me all day!

For my next soak in the tub, I tried out the Warm Milk Martini Moisturizing Powdered Milk Balls. I’ve never tried anything like this in the bath so I was excited to see what it would do. The texture is just like it says, powdery. You just sprinkle it over the bath then it soaks into your skin, leaving it extra smooth and soft. I absolutely loved the scent of this product! Made of buttermilk, coconut milk, and goats milk, with a hint of lime, it does have a fresh milky smell, but smells very sweet. I liked it so much I probably used way more than I needed. I dumped it over the bath twice!
The powder quickly dissolves and you start to notice your skin feeling softer. I actually noticed a much bigger difference with the bath fizzy, but I still loved how this powdered milk bath left my skin feeling so soft and moisturized.
After my bath, I dived into the Honey and Buttermilk Body Cream and Sweet Kit Tea Body Butter. I naturally have pretty soft skin and have been asked my whole life what my secret is. Apart from drinking lots of water, and eating right, I’ve always been adamant about applying lotion right out of the bath, ever since I can remember. Because of my love for lotion, I’ve always been super picky about it too. I have naturally dry skin so I love a really thick, super creamy, luxe feeling body cream or butter. So of course when these beauties arrived, I was extra thrilled about trying them out!
As far as texture, they are both pretty much the same – exactly what I love! Thick, rich, creamy, and super luxe feeling! When you apply them, they leave this super satin-y feel on your skin. I don’t experience this with many lotions or creams, so when I find one that makes my skin feel this amazing, I stick with it, so you can bet that I will be using HoneyCat Creams and body butters for years to come!
As far as the scent, both smell absolutely amazing, typical HoneyCat I’m now seeing! My favorite of the two was the Honey and Buttermilk. I love the sweet but not over powering scent it leaves.
I used both of these on my feet as a foot cream too. My feet get super dry and my heels tend to crack a bit this time of year, so I know a product is amazing when it smooths my feet out and both of these body creams did just that!
Another wonderful product for the bath, the Chocolate Bath Melt Treats. Being a huge fan of chocolate, I knew these would be a hit with me, and boy were they ever! You pull out a little square or two and throw them in the bath. First off, they totally look good enough to eat, and when you smell them, they smell just like a wonderful holiday chocolate!
Throw them in the bath and they dissolve in about five minutes, to leave your skin feeling super soft! I have used a bunch of these already because it makes me whole bathroom smell like the most delicious smelling chocolate!

Next up was the HoneyCat Vanilla Butter Cream Grooming Bar. I tend to shy away from bars of soap because often they will dry out my already dry skin, but not this bar! I used it in combination with my Chocolate Melts or my Powdered milk bath, and my skin came out feeling intensely moisturized, soft, and smooth every time! I love the soft sweet scent of this bar too, and of course that it’s pink!

Last but certainly not least was the Whisker Slickers “I’m in Heat” Warming Cinnamon Lip Balm. I fell in love with this immediately! 1. Because I’m already addicted to any form of lip balm. 2. Its cinnamon flavored in deed, and I love cinnamon, and 3. It really does have a warming sensation! Who doesn’t want that this time of year! Oh and a 4th reason to love it, it really leaves my lips feeling incredibly soft and moisturized, and no need to reapply! At least for a few hours. But I just do that anyway, because I’m addicted to lip balm!
Overall, HoneyCat is AMAZING!!!! I don’t want to use any other bath products again. Seriously! I’m that in love with this line! They are absolutely some of the most moisturizing, skin softening and smoothing products I’ve ever used, as well as the best smelling! They work, they make you smell great, and leave your skin feeling its absolute best! Is there another other reason I need to give you! I think not! Oh but here are some more great reasons! They are made here in the US and for you fellow cat lovers, absolutely NO ANIMAL TESTING! Ahh, now you’ve done it HoneyCat. I really am in love with you! I want MORE, MORE, MORE!!
What are you waiting for ladies? Do your skin (and your mind too if you’re in need of some great relaxation in the tub) a favor, and check out HoneyCat Cosmetics today! I guarantee you will absolutely NOT be disappointed!
Oh, Oh, Oh!! Wait Ladies! HoneyCat is letting me host a GIVEAWAY where 6 OF YOU will be winning the lovely “On the Prowl” Shower Gel for yourself!!! Yay!!!
This Contest is Open Worldwide!
ENTER TO WIN in the Rafflecopter form below! Good Luck Lovelies! xo xo
Wow, the chocolate bath bars are interesting. I would have to keep them hidden from the hubby – he’s a choco-holic … and i’m sure he would not pay attention and start to take a bite of one.