*This post contains affiliate links for which I will be compensated when purchases are made.
September is self-care month and I’m specifically focusing on reducing stress this year, thanks to the craziness of Covid 19. I like many others, have certainly been feeling it this year!
There are lots of great tips out there for reducing stress. One of my very favorites and what has worked really well for me over the years, is breathing exercises or meditation.
When I meditate and focus on my breath, I can calm and center myself and remind myself that at this moment, everything is fine. This reminds me to quit worrying and stressing out about the future which has especially been trying this year with life literally changing around us in every aspect this year!
I also realize that sometimes tips alone aren’t enough, and sometimes you just need a good product that can help in those moments you might really feel like you’re losing it.
I have also had plenty of those moments this year and have relied heavily on my Uber Life Products CBD oil to help with the anxiety, worry, and sleeplessness due to the overwhelming stress 2020 has brought on for me.

CBD Oil is a great way to help calm the mind. I know when I’m feeling particularly stressed out and meditation just isn’t cutting it, or I have that horrible aching feeling in my gut from anxiety, I quickly pop my Uber Life CBD tincture for instant, fast relief.
I drop it under the tongue and it’s absorbed right into the bloodstream to quickly stop the gut-wrenching anxiety!
Due to the worry and stress I’ve experienced this year with the pandemic, you can bet sleeplessness has been a real issue for me (and I’m sure for many others too!)
I love taking a CBD gummy 30 mins before bedtime so help me relax, wind down, and take my mind out of overdrive so I can relax and fall asleep.

Along with taking my Uber Life CBD Oil regularly in 2020, I also connected with author, wellness coach, and executive Anne Boudreau for her tips on reducing stress and negativity and promoting more self-care.
Self-Reflection: Tips to Calm Pandemic Stress
With Americans facing heavy stress from the pandemic and economic, social, and political turmoil, “it’s important to focus on the mental component of self-care,” says Anne.
“Your mental state governs your entire life, and if you are feeling off-kilter, the tendency is to ignore taking care of yourself, rather than step up self-care,” she says.
People can protect their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health by practicing self-reflection as part of self-care routines, Anne says.
“Self-reflection is a process of consciously thinking through and evaluating your thoughts, beliefs, and experiences as a means of learning about yourself. It offers you the opportunity to pause and detach from your busy life, thus permitting you to consider new interpretations of what you have experienced and endured,” says Anne.
Keys to making self-reflection part of your self-care practice include:
- Check in With Yourself. Make it a habit to “take your temperature,” throughout the day to assess your thoughts and adjust as needed. Pay close attention to your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and how they affect you. Do not suppress them. Observe them without judgment and embrace them without reservation. Observing your thoughts rather than suppressing them will enable you to better understand yourself.
- Be Mindful of Negative Triggers. A trigger is a stimulus that evokes a particular thought or emotion from your past. A trigger can derail the best of intentions. It can come in the form of a specific word, song, location, person, season, or cue in the environment that induces a specific feeling within you. Becoming aware of triggers before they ruin your day is a vital component to tuning in to your self.
- Practice Stillness and Deep Breathing. This means breaking away from the noise and chaos of the world and spending 10 to 15 minutes in quiet time. Close your eyes and breath deeply, inhaling and exhaling with robustness. Soon you will start to feel the stress and tension melt away. Do this as often as you feel you need to.
- Journal Your Thoughts and Feelings. Journaling is an important part of self-reflection and awareness. When you write down your thoughts and feelings, you’re taking them out of your brain and putting them on paper. As you come to understand yourself better, you may learn to direct your thoughts and feelings rather than being driven by them. This can help you adapt to changing circumstances with less resistance and stress.
- Inspire Yourself through Positive Self-Talk. Positive self-talk is a powerful tool to flip the script in your brain from negative to positive. Athletes use positive self-talk as a force of inspiration, as do other performers, because it is a valuable self-motivating practice.
Additional pointers:
- Schedule: Establish a routine and schedule time for self-reflection throughout the day.
- Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and stay true to your personal schedule for self-care.
- Choose practices that are easy to apply and that you know you will use. You can practice self-reflection while walking, exercising, meditating, or in any activity that brings you joy.
- Use CBD oil to naturally and effectively help calm the mind. CBD oil is an amazing, effective, super-easy way to help calm the mind and relax the body. It is safe and has worked so well for so many people that its popularity is soaring! It also has TONS of other amazing mental health, physical health, and even beauty benefits!
Learn more about Uber Life CBD oil and it’s amazing benefits in my Youtube Video below + ENTER TO WIN $240 in CBD OIL!
“Self-care comes in many forms, from soothing activities such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, silent time, stillness and sleep, to more active pursuits such as exercise and hobbies,” Anne says.
“Self-care is paramount right now. Those who respect themselves are more prone to care for themselves.”
About Anne Ockene Boudreau: Anne is an inspirational author, coach, and executive who is devoted to helping others develop healthy self-worth. In her new book, “A Human Mosaic: Heal, Renew, & Develop Self-Worth,” she reveals how self-worth is a critical element for sustainable personal change.
Want to try Uber Life Products CBD oil for Yourself? Check them out today at UberLifePro.com
*Uber Life Products high-quality CBD Oil is organic and USDA certified! It’s grown in Colorado and manufactured in an FDA registered facility right here in the USA! Uber Life Products also use 3rd Party Independent certified lab testing to ensure safety, potency, and purity of products.
What are some of your tips or favorite products you’ve been using this year to help deal with stress or anxiety? Let me know in the comments!
Be sure to Follow MyStyleSpot on Youtube and Twitter to stay up to date on all things healthy living!
Just say these days stress is a big fact in our life this can help may have to try it
I have lots of stress these days with all going on in the world. I have heard lots about CBD Oil but never tried it. I must say it sounds great!
I’ve heard great things about CBD.
I have a ton of stress and I need to get some of these.
CBD is my go to for stress, anxiety, sleep and more
This is great information! I think everyone could use a little help getting rid of some stress right about now!
I honestly need to try this asap . stress and anxiety has been getting the best of me
I hope to introduce these products to my husband who is always under a lot of stress from work and having a hard time sleeping.
Hoping to find A product which calms me and sleep better!
Thank you for this information!!
Great info!
This sounds great! I have never tried cbd products but with my anxiety I probably should look into them.
I agree with everything you’ve said and listed here so much! Love gummies, thank you for sharing!
Very impressive and informative article. Lots of great information given. Thank you!
Awesome tips on how to take time out for you and to stay calm
Thanks, I have been curious about CBD oil and the different benefits it has
All amazing tips! I love being stress-free!
Good ideas on how to reduce stress.
This would work great for my stress
A lot of us are dealing with stress because of all that is going on in the world. It’s as if things changed in a blink of an eye. CBD products are popular now and for good reason.They are worth trying out.
I think they can also be used in humidifiers? That will suit me if ever!
I’d like to try the CBD gummies!
I love CBD oil. My friend bought some and I tried it. It relieved do much stress, calmed my nervous spirit and calmed my overthinking mind. I recommend it to everybody!
I would like to try gummies.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. I could definitely use something for anxiety through these times.
I love your CBD gummies!!!!! <3
I’ve been meaning to give CBD oil a try. I keep reading about all the amazing benefits!
I need some CBD oil for muscle pain, sleep and allergies
The full spectrum CBD sounds great! Will help my son with his anxiety
This has been such a stressful time for everyone. I’ve heard great things about CBD.
That is so great that you’ve found something to help calm you down during this stressful time.
That is so great that you’ve found something to help calm you down during this stressful time.
I’ve heard good things about CBD. Glad you’ve found something during this stressful time.
This is something I’ve been long considering thank you for sharing…I may have to try CBD soon especially with lockdown in the winter. That does worry me.
Good luck to Everybody that enters this contest I truly believe in CBD’S Keep up the great work.
Sounds good to me
I have a lot of stress and would love to try this
I should have tried ot so long ago for so many reasons and I don’t know why I keep putting it off. Heard so many positive things.