An Interview with a Dietician: How to Make the Most of your Diet

*Amanda K. Foti, M.S., R.D. Registered Dietitian (nationally recognized), Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition from New York University and Bachelors of Science degree in Dietetics. Nutrition coach for Selvera, personalized weight management.
1.     From your experience what is the #1 reason that many people experience only temporary success with weight loss.
Today it is more common to be overweight struggling with weight than to be at a steady healthy weight. Given all the available weight loss products and programs out there this may come as a shock to many, but not to me as a dietitian. Unfortunately many available programs only offer short-term restrictive diet plans to drop the weight fast but offer no solution for post-program weight maintenance. If there is nothing addressing long term habit change, the diet is likely not sustainable leading to weight regained once old eating habits resume.
2.     There are many options when it comes to dieting and weight loss techniques. Which would you recommend?
The most successful weight loss technique is a comprehensive one that addresses nutrition, activity and habit. Your “diet” should be a lifestyle change, incorporating healthy sources of fiber, protein and fat to keep you fueled and full! A successful diet shouldn’t be restrictive, it should allow moderation of those treat foods, and even some alcohol. Weight loss should take a slow and steady course at about 1-2 lbs/week to ensure fat mass loss as oppose to water weight or lean body mass.
3.     What makes Selvera different from other weight loss systems?
Selvera is approaching weight loss in a way done by no other weight management program. It addresses nutrition, activity, and habit change by providing weekly 1-on-1 counseling with a registered dietitian, wireless tracking technology, and constant email support. Selvera supports clients through 3 phases: weight loss, transition, and preservation to ensure that the weight is taken off the healthy way and stays off for years to come. With the wireless technology and counseling done over the phone, Selvera can fit into to even the busiest of schedules whether you’re at home, work, or traveling.
4.     What advice would you give to our readers many of whom are considering a weight loss program or strict diet to get in shape in time for summer?

Start now, and start slow. When we take on an overwhelming change such as a strict restrictive diet we typically lose motivation and fall off the wagon. These diets are just not sustainable to maintain in the long run and results in the unfortunate weight regain. Start with small changes

focusing on what you’re adding to your routine rather than taking away. For example focus on what new healthy breakfasts you can look forward to (like scrambled eggs, wheat toast and avocado) rather than focusing on the foods you will be limiting. And don’t deprive yourself by skipping meals. Losing weight doesn’t mean being constantly hungry! 3 healthy meals and 2 snacks a day is a great structure to aim for!  
6. Are there any additional weight management and healthy lifestyle tips that you would like to provide?
            Stay active! Take the stairs, go for a walk, household chores, park further away, all these little things add up! Keeping your muscles engaged throughout the day will keep your metabolism in burning mode. Stay hydrated! Aim for 48-64 oz of water a day. Even at the slightest level of dehydration our bodies compensate to conserve energy slowing our metabolism and decreasing total energy expenditure. Stay rested! Getting some quality Zzz’s help regulate different hormones that control our satiety and cravings throughout the day.

*This is a written post by Selvera.

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