BreakPal Fitness at your Desk Review + GIVEAWAY

I don’t often write about fitness, but over the last 10 years it has become very important to me. As I get older, I want to feel and look as young as possible. Who doesn’t, right?! While I write a lot about anti-aging creams and wonderful products to help keep your skin young, regular fitness (and eating right) is obviously the best thing you can do to help your body look and feel young! 
I’ve been lucky in that I work from home and can easily fit in my workout. I’ve also acquired quite the home gym over the last few years, but I realize for most of us, that is unreasonable, and a lot of us are not so lucky to have the extra time for working out either! 
That’s why I was SUPER excited when I came across Have you ever been sitting at your desk at work and felt the 2 pm slump… Hey, where did all my energy go? Well fitness is obviously the best thing you can do to help you feel more energized, and would you believe that has created several different workouts you can do right there at your desk? That’s right! They have a number of different short little exercises you can pull up at any time of the day, and do one or as many as you like to help you get that little boost of energy, not to mention a workout! 
Also, you may think that you need to get your exercise done in a half hour block each day but most fitness experts will tell you that any form of exercise, even if its just 10 mins here, 10 mins there, is going to benefit you greatly! 

I got to try out for 2 weeks, and I actually avoided my regular workout in this time just to see if I noticed a difference or if this workout really wasn’t helping me as much as my usual 30-60 minute cardio/strength training work out.

When I got all signed up on the site, I was upgraded to the Premium User (you can get access to more exercises this way) but they also offer a FREE user version, so you can get great exercises for free as well!

For the Premium User, I was given several different workouts to choose from, including different yoga moves, cardio kung fu (yes you can even get in some cardio at your desk, and believe me it got my heart rate up when I tried it out), Chi Gung (which reminded me a lot of tai chi) and other great stretching moves.

I would do about 4-5 each day, since most exercises seem to run about 5 minutes long. I broke them up through out my day and only did about 2 at a time max.

I was REALLY impressed with these exercises! They were new and different and you could do them in your skirt or pant suit no problem, right there at your desk! All exercises required very little room to work in,  so if you work in a small cubicle, you can still do these work outs efficiently!

I loved that the cardio kung fu really did get my heart rate up and my breathing going. I also loved doing some of the strengthening exercises. The day after I did the block lunge instructional, my legs were sore! I really thought doing some of these quick 5 minute exercises wouldn’t get me sore, but they proved me wrong!

My favorite part was not having to carve out a 30-60 minute block of my day for working out. I loved that I would work at my computer for awhile and when I started to feel restless or my energy level take a dive, or like I just needed a good stretch, I would do one of the workouts and would feel reenergized and ready to get back to work! I absolutely loved using these short workouts throughout my work day and loved that by the end of the day I felt like I had got enough exercise in that I didn’t feel guilty about skipping my regular workout!

Along with the awesome exercises on, you can also get daily reminders from Break Pal, as well as access the app from your iPhone (in case you can’t use your work computer for surfing the web).

BreakPal also has a great community where you can connect with others, find motivation to workout, and keep track of your progress!

I absolutely loved using BreakPal and have found it to be one of the easiest workout programs I’ve ever used, because it is so convenient and only takes a few minutes here and there! Do you ever wonder what to do with your 15 minute break at work? You can squeeze in a few of these exercises and come back to work feeling more re-engerized and focused!  I loved that the workouts were short and fun but also really worked my body! I loved that they made me feel good for getting up from sitting and actually doing something with myself for a few minutes at a time! BreakPal makes it so incredibly easy to fit fitness into your day, no matter how busy your workday is! Instead of running to get your next cup of coffee, squeeze in one of these micro exercises and you won’t even miss your coffee!

Sitting in front of a computer for hours on end can be so bad for your health. I know we all hear how important it is to get up and stretch every hour, (but who actually does it, I know I don’t) so let BreakPal help motivate you to do just that, AND get your workout in for the day!

I’m so excited about, I know you all will love it! One of you lovely readers, is going to get the chance to try out the Upgraded Premium User right now for FREE!

ENTER TO WIN an Upgraded Premium User account to BreakPal in the Rafflecopter form below!

Open Worldwide! 

**Also be sure to check out today and don’t forget you can still access the site and some of the exercises for FREE! Or pay just $9.95 a month for Premium Access, and of course get a great deal if you sign up for a year, two years, or even a lifetime membership!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

* I received the premium upgrade user account for the purpose of review. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own. I only share reviews with my readers, that I feel will be beneficial or informative in some way.

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