How to Cultivate Your Own Signature Style

how to cultivate your own style

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Coco Chanel once said, “Fashion fades, only style remains the same.” As we get older, we become less interested in new fads and trends, and we focus more on style. Style is not just for movie stars and screen icons. It is something that we can cultivate ourselves and create our own unique signature look.


Fashion VS Style

The difference between fashion and style can be difficult to define. Fashion tends to be associated with time or an era. Whereas, style transcends this and is timeless. When we think about style, we are often referring to our own personality and our identity. Fashion is certainly part of this, but it’s just a small component. When we talk about creating our own style, we mean creating a distinctive look. Something that is synonymous with us. Something we become known for.

how to cultivate your own style

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Makeup Style

Style needn’t be static. We don’t need to ignore the latest colors and trends. We just need to filter and pick out what is relevant to us. It is something that changes and fluctuates over time. However, the core values, ideas, and themes remain the same.

Your signature makeup style could be screen siren, retro chic, paired back and natural, etc. It’s not about picking a style or copying anyone else. Your own individual look will develop over time. In some ways, it will find you. Experimenting is always a good idea so you can see what works and what needs to be changed. It’s a good idea to get a Z Palette, so you can mix and match your own colors. The magnetic casing allows you to create your own unique palette.


Wardrobe Inspiration

When pulling together your outfits, look for inspiration. Look online and in magazines and books to find style icons you identify with. It’s not about imitation but about identifying elements you like. Inspiration can come from lots of unexpected places such as novels and music.

Think about your own lifestyle and how your clothes fit into this. Be honest about your current wardrobe. What works for you? What do you feel comfortable and at ease in? Are there any items that don’t fit in? Sometimes we buy garments in a rush because we need them for a specific event or occasion. However, they never quite feel right. They don’t elicit any emotional response from us. Toss out those items and focus on the ones that do work.

When you buy new clothes, don’t just look at the latest fashions. Look for pieces that will last. Classic items that have a timeless appeal. Think about how they will work with other items in your closet.

how to cultivate your own style

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Follow the same guidelines when you buy accessories. When it comes to bags and shoes, go for items that are well-made and that will last. Avoid cheap, throw-away items that look great now but you will discard in a few weeks.


It’s Not All About Looks

Remember, it’s not all about visual elements such as clothes and makeup. Find a perfume that you like and become known for it. If you have the opportunity, consider mixing your own fragrance.

Style is not just about how you look. It’s about your identity and who you are in the world. It encompasses so many different elements. Take time to experiment. Allow your style to develop over time. It’s not about choosing a style. If you allow it, eventually it will find you.


Happy Styling!


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