Out with the old and in with the new.
Such an exciting statement full of possibilities isn’t it! It could be referring to a boyfriend who needs to be kicked to the curb, a dead end job that you need to quit, or a wardrobe that needs a serious facelift. All of these options present loads of opportunities for a new you, but one in particular, can impact every aspect of your life. You guessed it, your WARDROBE! Read on to find out why tossing your withered wardrobe is the fastest track to a brand new, fabulous you.
Personal Brand
From the beach to the boardroom, what you wear in every situation is an outward, bold statement of who you are. The perfect beau or the hiring manager of your dream job could be lurking around any corner. So girl, do not leave the house in that ratty old thing! Ummmm….did someone say beach? There is only one place to hit up to find show-stopping, head-turning swimwear and that is fellaswim.com. These designers have dedicated serious time to making the perfect swimwear for all bodies and all occasions. Don’t get caught at the hottest beach party of the year in last year’s fashion.
Perform better at work
Okay, so you have the beach look covered.
Now time for the boardroom. Why should you revamp your professional wardrobe to help achieve the most fashionable you for 2017? A compelling article in GQ magazine revealed that what you wear could actually make you look smarter, and perform better. So if you are looking to boast that best self for 2017, toss out that old blazer and go buy some bold prints to go with your classic black pants.
Increase overall productivity
Did you know cleaning out your closet is rated as one of the top ways to have a more productive household? Clearing out 30% of your wardrobe will declutter your closet and your life and most importantly, make room for all the new things you need to put away! The general rule of thumb is if you haven’t worn something in 6 months, toss it. If you pull it off the hanger and have little to no emotional connection, toss it. If you are keeping a pair of jeans from high school thinking you will someday fit back into them, toss them. Got, it? Okay now….GO!
Don’t worry, there is help available
If you are reading this and saying; “Hold on a minute, I don’t have time for this! Clean out my closet? You’re crazy!”, don’t worry, you are not alone. I empathize that the closet can often become the dark hole of shame where everything from winter sweaters to beach towels are thrown in an attempt to create a neat and tidy facade.
If you feel like this is you, then YOU need this wardrobe facelift the most! Lucky for you (okay, and me) I have found you a great start to finish guide on how to clean anorganizese your closet. No excuses now my friend. Out with the old and in the new.
Fashion isn’t just about looking good, it is about feeling good.
We all know the feeling of confidence when the perfect outfit comes together. So if you still need to ditch your boyfriend or get a new job, then you are really in for some big changes! But may I suggest, revamp that wardrobe first so you ensure stepping out into the world as the new footloose and fancy-free you.
Happy Shopping!
Oooh I am so overdue for this!! I haven’t really cleaned everything out in so long and I wear barely any of it!!