An esthetician is someone who knows skin better than anyone. A dermatologist is a medical doctor that specializes in skin conditions. Estheticians are schooled and trained to treat the skin to retain its youthful, healthy glow and to improve skin that is not so healthy. They can work out of a spa, a hair salon, a wellness center, or with a dermatologist. When it comes to esthetician supplies, they are like extensions of the esthetician themselves and can make all the difference to their success in helping clients or patients improve the condition of their skin. Examples of some of the supplies an esthetician uses are lancets, scissors, tweezers, towels, cotton, bowls, bottles, loofahs, extractors, sterilizers, brushes, gloves, sponges, and products.
Typical Sessions
A typical session with an esthetician at a spa would start out with you telling them why you are there. After listening to what it is you want, the esthetician will assess your skin to determine what products to use and how to proceed. You may receive a facial, some waxing, an exfoliation of some type, or a body wrap, which is just a sampling of what they can do. If there are treatments the esthetician thinks will help you, he or she will recommend them during or after your session. Taking care of your skin is a very important thing to do every day and they will give you some suggestions on how to improve the regimen you already use or they will help you implement a daily regimen that will make your skin glow and feel healthier than ever.
Professional Makeup
If you want your makeup professionally done, you are in for a treat. An esthetician that has chosen to specialize in being a professional makeup artist can make you look like a movie star. They can also give you tips on how to recreate the same look at home. You can try to create the same look at home but when you want to look as fabulous as you did when you left your session, you will probably just have to go back. There should be some of the esthetician supplies that were used to apply your makeup that you can buy to use at home.
*This is a sponsored and written blog post by
Good information and I wish I had known about preventative skin care information and products when I was young rather than just being concerned about a blemish occurring. Skin care is so important and wouldn’t it be wonderful to have an Esthetician at our disposal on a daily basis!!
I dont know alot about these products it was very informative
ellen beck
This is such a nice review!
I have never been to see an Esthetician. I would love to go some day. Sounds like some nice pampering!
I wish I could afford to have these types of treatments done on a regular basis! Great information!
I still have to say that preventative tasks when we are young and consistently stick with them is ever so important.
Sounds like an interesting carrier 🙂
Very interesting!
Great information. I have been wanting to go to a spa for a long time.
Michelle F.
It has been a long time since I had a facial done by a professional-I definitely could use some help after this winter! This is all great advice-Thank you!
Thanks for this informative post.
Very useful post! Thanks for sharing!
Very useful info. Thans for sharing!
I didn’t know an esthetican can do your makeup professionally.
I went to a spa a year ago and it’s great experience. I need to go to one soon.
The Spa is always useful for professional makeup. The Esthetician is new information for me. The people who are interesting to skin whitening they can go for Whitening Injections for Skin glow. It is more helpful.
This is new for me about the esthetician. Thanks for this post!
I like how the term “esthetician” has evolved. It brings a whole new meaning to the way they take care of our skin 🙂
I’ve not thought about it until today, and have come to this post several times, that without their supplies an Esthetician probably can’t do much at all.