GIVEAWAY: Win a Custom T-shirt of Choice!

Have you visited 65 MCMLXV yet? They have super cute custom clothing and more! I have a couple of their T-shirts and love them! They have lots of great contemporary fashion for both men and women. You can expect to find custom classic, casual and sportswear clothing at a great price!  Be sure to check out their site for Women’s Statement T-ShirtsMen’s Tops, and Men’s Bottoms.

Right now, they are letting me GIVEAWAY one of their fabulous t-shirts of choice to one of my lucky readers! 

ENTER To WIN a t-shirt of choice in the rafflecopter form below!

Giveaway is OPEN TO US.

Good Luck lovelies! xo xo 

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Rules: You must sign up for the 65 MCMLXV newsletter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*MyStyleSpot is not responsible for prize fulfillment.

**This is a sponsored post from 65 with my unbiased thoughts.

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