GIVEAWAY: Win OGX Hair Products #OGXBeauty

Hey lovelies! I have an exciting New Years Giveaway for you! One of my lovely readers will Win products from one of my very favorite hair care lines! WIN NEW OGX Holiday Hair Products! – Vanilla and Chai Shampoo, Champagne Fizz Conditioner, and Argan/Moroccan Oil Body Oil Mist – Sold Exclusively at Walmart

ENTER TO WIN The OGX Holiday hair care products in the Rafflecopter form Below!

CONTEST is open to US only!

Good Luck lovelies! xo xo
OGX hair product giveaway 

74 thoughts on “GIVEAWAY: Win OGX Hair Products #OGXBeauty”

  1. Well, I cut my hair several years ago & every time I try to grow it back out I wind up throwing in the towel & cutting it when it gets to that ‘yuck’ stage. I’m trying to grow it out again…& it is definitely in that sad stage, lol. I’m going to hold out this time!

  2. I have a short neck and do not look good with long hair. I wear it shorter and layers. I usually spike it up some and I’m ready to go.

  3. I have long, thick, coarse hair. I love to wear it down but I can’t do it often. I keep it in a ponytail 99% of the time!

  4. Dominique Cloutier

    I just cut off 7 years of dreads so my hair is so short, I don’t have many options as far as how to wear my hair. I’m working through it though and trying t make it more my style!

  5. I straighten my hair a lot because it’s easiest. But I prefer a slightly curly however my old curling iron is so old and doesn’t get through my thick hair quickly.

  6. I love to wear my hair down. Would love to win those products for my chemically damaged hair so I can wear my hair down with loads more confidence!

  7. My hair is very short so I can’t really wear it any other way than the way it’s cut but I do try to add volume to it to give it a little height.

  8. I have curly hair so on my lazy day’s I wear a pony tail other days I have it straight but takes forever

  9. I would love to win these OGX hair care products so that i will never ever have a bad hair day ever again. Thank u team.

  10. I love to wear my hair in an array of hairstyles; updo, braided, ponytail, straight-down or curly. Thank you for the chance to win.

  11. Emily Ann Benzing

    I have super curly hair, so I love being able to straighten it a little bit and have it in pretty mermaid waves! That is hands down the best I ever look and feel with my hair.

  12. Onyinye Elochukwu

    Well since my hair is short and in its natural state. I just wear it like that. Sometimes I do a wash and go.

  13. I have natural curly hair so I honestly wear it down a lot once I shower. The next day I wear it in a pony or just through it up in style LOL. I need some pointers for curly haired woman!

  14. Hi! I switched my entries in the Share giveaway on social media and Tweet about the giveaway for today’s entries 1/17. Sorry!
    Lynne B

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