Hylunia Dry Skin/Sun damaged Starter Kit REVIEW + GIVEAWAY

Hi everyone, I’m so excited to share with you, a fabulous skin care brand I recently got to try and fell in love with!

Hylunia offers wonderful Paraben Free, Phosphate- Free, Gluten-free, Fragrance-Free, vegan products for all skin types!

As many of you know I suffer from dry skin, that tends to be acne prone, and I also have some ugly sun spots unfortunately! Because I believe so strongly in cruelty free products I was especially excited to try Hylunia. I was even more thrilled after learning how Hylunia does not contain paragons and phosphates  like so many other skin care brands!

I was thrilled when I received the Dry Skin/Sun damaged Starter Kit to review.  There are five wonderful products in the starter kit, including a mist I’ve never used before but absolutely fell in love with!

The routine changes up a bit for day to night, and although it seems like a lot of products, this covers everything including cleansing, moisturizing, and eye cream! It only took me a few minutes to use each of the products both morning and night!

I started with the Facial Cleansing Lotion of course and immediately fell in love. It is soooo super gentle! I even got it in my eyes several times and no stinging whatsoever! I absolutely loved that! It is fragrance free too which I didn’t know if I would like, but I did. The cleanser doesn’t lather a whole lot but it glides smoothly across the skin for a nice cleanse. I really loved the texture of the gel cleanser. It feels really good on the skin.

Next up is the Colloidal Silver Mist. Like I said, I’ve never used a mist before but I found it incredibly refreshing and loved using it both day and night. I thought it would dry out my skin even more, but it doesn’t. It dried quickly on my skin, but my skin did not feel tight and dry whatsoever.

At night, after using these two steps, I then applied the Beyond C Complex to my eyes. Once again, super gentle! I loved how it did not sting or make the eye area feel tight and uncomfortable. It is also incredibly moisturizing and glides on so easily.

Lastly, I finished with the Ultimate Anti-Oxidant Treatment. This moisturizer is not super thick but it delivers amazing moisturization, but no so much that it made my skin more acne prone. Its not heavy at all but feels so amazing on my skin.

For Day, I use the Daily Facial Lotion instead of the Beyond C Complex and the Ultimate Anti-Oxidant Treatment. I really liked the Daily Facial Lotion and found it to be very moisturizing as well, and perfect for day time and layering under makeup.

After using these fabulous products for a few weeks, I can’t believe how moisturized my skin feels. It has felt so soft, and supple the whole time I’ve been using the products. This time of year usually dries my skin out so bad, especially while using some of my acne treatments, but my skin did not feel dry once while using Hylunia. My skin has looked and felt so amazing, I’ve absolutely fallen in love with this skin care brand!

I also feel like some of my acne scarring and sun spots and faded a bit while using Hylunia too. There werea couple of days where I did not get enough sleep and used the Beyond C Complex on my eyes and felt like it really did a great job of hiding the dark circles under my eyes. I didn’t look tired at all!

While you’re skin may not be dry, you can still get the perfect skin care line from Hylunia for your skin condition! They have starter kits for Acne/Oily, and Combination as well! They also offer body care products and you can get FREE SHIPPING on every order! Right now you can also find great deals by checking out their current Holiday Offers on Hylunia.com!

One of my favorite features on Hylunia.com is that you can shop by skin care ingredient! So many times I read about what ingredient I should be using for a certain skin care concern, but when I shop for products, I have no idea which actually contain the ingredient, so I absolutely love this feature! You can also see all ingredients in any product on their website product pages!

Well now that I’ve shared with you how much I LOVED using my Hylunia Products, I’m excited to share with you that the good people of Hylunia are generously giving away the Dry Skin/Sun Damaged Starter Kit (a $49 Value!) to one of my readers!

ENTER TO WIN in the rafflecopter below!

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