Why Pay for the Latest Trend When You Can Borrow?

Do you find it difficult staying on top of trends, especially when it comes to buying items you wonder if you really will ever wear again? I’m certainly guilty of buying the latest trend only to find I wear it once or twice that season and then it sits in the back of my closet for who knows how long before I finally get rid of it.
Well start saving yourself money, and the earth too! While most of us may not like to buy second-hand clothes, and let’s face it, it’s about impossible to find trendy items at Goodwill, you can still stay up on the trends without buying pieces you probably won’t ever wear again!
Le Tote is a fashion site with lots of on-trend, beautiful clothing and accessories you can rent! Pay a small fee of $49 a month, and get your favorite items shipped to your door. Hold on to them as long as you want then return them when you’re ready to trade for something new!
How exciting is that?! There are no return dates or late fees and shipping is always FREE, both when receiving or sending it back to Le Tote! Everyone will think you spend every last dime on your outfits!
I’m absolutely in love with the idea and looking forward to trying it out for myself!
Here are some of my favorites on the site, but there are dozens and dozens of tops, dresses, jackets, sweaters, accessories, and more to choose from!






Right now Le Tote has a fabulous contest going on where you can ENTER TO WIN a whole season worth of fashion at Le Tote, plus $50 for you and $50 for a friend, just by sharing a pic on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram of an outfit where you are wearing something borrowed from a friend and tagging #shareletote

Be sure to check out LeTote.com today! Happy Borrowing! xo xo

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