COVID-19 is leading more employees to work from home every day. And as this might be a benefit for many, it can also get really tricky.
Here are some tips from Chelsea Rivera, Head of Content of Honest Paws, a 100% remote company:
“As we are a telecommute company, I’ve determined tips and tricks that help me be as productive as possible while enjoying the great benefits that come from working from home! Some things I’ve learned include:
1. Set an alarm. Have a routine in the morning. Use that time to take care of yourself, whether it’s exercise, cooking a breakfast that you can sit down and enjoy, or meditation to get you focused for the day.
2. Get dressed! Get ready as if you were going to work, even put makeup on or fix your hair if you like. Anything that gives you the sense that you are not home in your PJs.
3. Set an office space. Working from your bed sounds comfortable, but it can lead to tiredness. A desk gives you the feeling that you are in your work hours.
4. If you’re getting cabin fever, try working from somewhere that’s not your home once in a while – like a café or a library. Find a quiet space that works as an escape place.
5. Determine what your “office” hours are and work during these only. Working from home can lead you to work longer hours than normal, limiting your personal and family time.”
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We only have one case in our town here in SC so no working at home yet. I do wish it would come to this because my husband had cancer and only finished his treatments last year and I worry so much. They told him his immune system would be compromised for years. As for me I am a diabetic so my stress level is high. I appreciate the tips and so hope we so get the green light that all work from home.
Stay safe!