The Top 10 Best Ways to Treat Acne & an Amazing Oxygen Facial Tonic by GÖTZ Bad Ischl

I love summer. The heat, the humidity, the sun, the acne. Ok so I don’t love the acne so much, but unfortunately, as much as I love summer, the hot humid weather seems to bring it on for me! Over the years and with the trade-off of different birth control methods over the years,  I found myself having acne breakout after breakout, and couldn’t quite figure out what was causing it. Unfortunately sometimes it’s just plain hormones and there is not a whole lot we can do about it, but there are some really great techniques and tips for helping minimize it much as possible. Over the years I’ve done a lot of research on how to get rid of acne, and here are some of the best tips I’ve found that really seemed to help my acne improve.


Top 10 Best Tips for Beating Acne

  1. This seems like a no-brainer, but you’ve got to wash that face morning and night, especially if you wear makeup or sunscreen! What people may not realize, is that you’ve got to moisturize too, otherwise that dried out skin is just going to work against you and make the acne even worse. Find a lightweight serum or moisturizer that doesn’t contain oil for the best results.
  2. Throw out old makeup and skincare products. Been using that foundation for the last year? Check expiration dates and get rid of any product that you’ve been using for longer than 3-6 months. This also goes for hair products too. Be mindful of the products you’re using on your mane and how your skin is reacting to them!
  3. Clean those makeup brushes weekly! Otherwise,you’re just transferring more bacteria to your skin with each use! If you can, minimize makeup as much as possible too. The less you wear, the more your skin can breathe.
  4. Speaking of cleaning– start getting in the habit of cleaning your cell phone weekly too! It’s surprising how often we forget this, but that lovely phone is transferring a whole lot of dirt, grease, and bacteria to your skin daily!
  5. Exfoliate! This is an important step to getting rid of that top layer of skin, opening up pores, and cleaning the bacteria out of them. You only need to exfoliate a couple times a week. Any more and you’ll end up exacerbating the acne.
  6. Wash your pillowcases daily, and anything else that touches your face frequently.
  7. Keep your hands off your face as much as possible. Once you start paying attention to this, you may be surprised to see how often you’re resting your hands in them. This goes without saying, oil, bacteria, and dirt will be transferred from hands to face, so please be sure to wash your hands regularly as well.
  8. Workout regularly? Wash your face immediately after getting sweaty. Suffer from body acne? Your gym clothes may be to blame. Get out of them pronto after a workout!
  9. Avoid the sun. Ugh I don’t like this one either, but it can do serious damage to the skin, and acne is just one of the nasty ways it can affect the epidermis! If you do go out, make sure to use a non-greasy lightweight sunscreen.
  10. Get a great oxygen facial tonic to help balance out the ph of the skin, rid pores of bacteria, and reduce excess oil in the skin. I love the GÖTZ Bad Ischl Oxygen Facial Tonic. This tonic is a fabulous clarifying tonic that will balance out extra moisture in the skin, soothe redness, and minimize the appearance of blemishes, blackheads, and enlarged pores.  After washing my face in the morning and evening,  spray the facial tonic on cotton pads, and wipe evenly onto the face and neck, then gently press into the skin. The most effective method of getting rid of acne,  is soaking the pads with the GÖTZ Bad Ischl oxygen facial tonic, and leaving them on for a few minutes to let the product sink into the skin and kill the bad bacteria causing the acne.

The GÖTZ Bad Ischl facial tonic is made with daisy and nasturtium, to minimize the appearance of blemishes as well as works to minimize the appearance of enlarged pores too. These two ingredients have also been shown to reduce oiliness in the skin as well. Among many other innovative and proven effective acne-fighting ingredients you will find in this product, it also contains Anthyllis, which is known to balance skin, calm red irritated skin, and even out the appearance of skin tone and texture.

I got to try out this amazing tonic over the last few weeks and have been super impressed with it. It works great on all types of skin, even sensitive skin. Even though I tend to suffer from acne occasionally, I also tend to have dry skin and I tend to stay away from tonic’s as they can be drying, but the oxygen facial tonic from  GÖTZ Bad Ischl is actually incredibly moisturizing. It does not leave my skin feeling tight or dry whatsoever, but instead, it feels smooth, soft, and gives it a nice, clean glow as well.

Even with being in the sun a bunch this last week while on a recent trip to the lake, I found using this fabulous tonic twice daily, really helped keep the acne away, and when blemishes did appear, it seemed to help get rid of them much quicker too, while removing the redness from the skin so they weren’t as noticeable either. My pores (especially on my nose) also seem to look smaller and much cleaner too!

Gotz Bad Ischl Gotz Bad Ischlhow to use oxygen facial tonic for acne
Interested in trying this amazing acne-clearing oxygen tonic for yourself? You can pick it up on Amazon, Here.


Happy Beautifying!

*Thank you GÖTZ Bad Ischl for sponsoring this post. All opinions and comments expressed are solely my own. I only share reviews with my readers, I feel will be beneficial or informative in some way.

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