The health of your teeth is more important to your overall well-being than most people realise. It’s not just about a pretty smile or aesthetic appeal, but problems with your gums are generally connected to other, more serious medical issues. Thus, it pays to invest in our teeth – and our health – properly.
Healthy bodies and minds start with good teeth, and it’s never too late to make a start. Whether you’re wanting to invest in a designer smile, restore those not-so-pearly whites or finally fix that cracked, worn or broken tooth, dental crowns are an effective way to boost the appearance of your teeth. And get you on your way to feeling and looking better. Confused about which crown to get? Here’s the lowdown on a few common ones:
The Real Deal: Zirconia Crowns
Zirconia crowns create the appearance of a whiter, more translucent tooth which can be associated with an original set of pearly whites. They are popular because their translucent colour blends well with existing teeth, offering aesthetically pleasing results. Zirconia, a material that’s used in other medical applications like artificial joints, is renowned for its strength and durability. But it’s this strength and durability that works for and against Zirconia dental crowns.
The material also has an abrasive quality which can lead to wear and tear from the friction against other teeth. These crowns are still designed for strength though, lasting longer than most other crowns. Other benefits include the aesthetic appeal and preserving of the original tooth, which makes these crowns advantageous if it needs to be removed down the track.
Best For: If you’re wanting to save money without jeopardising on quality, these crowns are as strong as gold crowns but less expensive. They also provide better cosmetic results. For those women who are sleeping teeth grinders or for teeth that need extra strength, Zirconia crowns are highly recommended. These crowns are not suitable as a veneer material – only as a crown.
Aesthetics vs. Strength: Emax Crowns
For most people, the strength and aesthetic appeal of Zirconia crowns provide more than enough benefits. But for those wanting something on the higher end of the scale, Emax crowns are arguably better still. Both are made from ceramic, which has always been best for appearances and comfortability. Emax crowns come in multiple shades to match your existing teeth and a great for improving those nasty stains – even if you’ve been trying to hide them for years.
The biggest downfall about Emax crowns is the price tag that comes with them. These are the newest crowns on the market, so they’re the most expensive. Because they do chip less than other crowns and boast tough and natural looking properties though, some will find it more than worth it to spend the extra dollars.
Best For: If your front teeth need the highest quality crowns. Because of their top-level strength and aesthetics, these are great for front teeth restorations with the right dental technician. Emax crowns can be used as a veneer for too, making them the most beautiful, designer option for restorations.
Colour Match Ceramics: PFM Crowns
Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) crowns are one of the longest used methods for restoring teeth. But despite being the dental workhorse for the last 50+ years, they can come with many limitations compared to today’s Zirconia and Emax crowns. As a result, PFM crowns are on the lower end of the price scale making them the most affordable option out of the three.
PFM crowns are made from a metal structure which can fit the tooth better. While they don’t look as natural as the newer models, they do colour match with existing teeth well. They’re strong and visually appealing but the durable metal can come with a downfall too. Dark lines are common where the tooth meets the crown which means they can lack cosmetic perfection. PFM crowns however, are still designed to last for years.
Best For: Permanent or long-term solutions. These crowns require the removal of a large amount of tooth first, which is important to keep in mind when making your final decision. If you’re looking for a lasting crown and aren’t phased by the small dark line, these crowns are great for budget considerations. PFM crowns aren’t recommended for anyone with metal allergies.
Investing in the right crown for your teeth encourages a happier, healthier version of you. Which means more energy to race around after the kids. As opposed to fillings, which don’t offer as much protection as crowns, the right dental crown can boost your tooth’s strength and give your smile some TLC.
Author Bio
This article is written by Jayde Ferguson, who writes for Oceanic Dental Laboratory – Australia’s most competitive dental lab offering beautiful and strong restorations with turnaround times between 7-10 working days. You can catch her on Google+.
Now I know which type my dad got. He came home one with with his teeth all filed almost into points!
Ooh really? That sounds crazy!
I have horrible teeth and making the right choice when it come to dental work is a must
I totally agree! 100%!