Bikini Season is Here! Zantrex SkinnyStix Has Got Your Back!

Summer is finally on its way, and I couldn’t be happier! What I’m not most excited about? Getting into that bikini! I’m sure like me, a lot of you are feeling a bit less than confident after a long winter, the holidays, the treats, the snacking… Yeah Unfortunately about this time of year it all catches up to us, and nothing brings that out more than when you try on that gorgeous bikini at the store, and under the harsh florescent lights of the dressing room, you start wondering what exactly you ate all winter long that did that to you?!

We’ve all been there! Luckily there is a great solution to help you shed some pounds before summer is in full swing! Being a bit of a health nut, I really don’t believe in quick weight loss fixes, but I do know there are some great products out there that can really aid you in your weightless journey. I firmly believe you’ve got to eat right (and less of it!) and workout regularly to get the body of your dreams (Unless you’re best friends with a plastic surgeon!)

Luckily though, there are some fantastic products you can still take to help you out, even if you tend to slack off on the workouts every once in awhile, or all the time! Let’s face it, most of us do! I know from my experience from my own weight loss experience, food is key! You can workout as hard as you want but if you’re not eating right, it’s not going to matter. You can, however, slack on the workouts, eat right, and you WILL lose the weight!

With that said, of course the amount of what we’re eating is even more important that what you’re eating! I know plenty of people (my beautiful super skinny sister!) who eats whatever the hell they want, but because they don’t eat too much of it, they don’t gain weight! I unfortunately do not fall into this category, because I LOVE food and I eat fast and I eat a lot of it!

Well I’ve found the perfect solution if you tend to be like me and love your food, are not naturally skinny, and maybe you happen to slack on the workout too! SkinnyStix by Zantrex is the perfect weightless aid to help you on your weight loss journey, and will have you back in your bikini in no time! These amazing drink mixes not only taste yummy, are only 5 calories each and contain no sugar (Even though they taste delicious! Thank you Stevia!) but they will help you lose weight too! How? They suppress your appetite for one. I’m talking in a major way here! I was completely amazed with how much it surpassed my appetite (see my video below for the full review and deets on my experience using this fabulous product over the last few weeks). Drinking SkinnyStix will also boost your mood, improve your focus, give you increased energy (This comes in handy if you do actually end up working out!) as well as increase the fat burning going on in your body. I noticed increased metabolism too!

Zantrex SkinnyStix Appetite Suppressant Drink for weight loss

Zantrex SkinnyStix Appetite Suppressant Drink for weight loss

Now that you know a little more about Zantrex’s SkinnyStix, check out my full review on my experience using it, in this video below:

What do you think? Sounds pretty amazing right! It is! I’m completely impressed! I plan on drinking this even after this review is finished because I’m not eating nearly as much and I’m feeling leaner, especially around my tummy where I tend to hold my weight! Sexy Little Black Bikini, here I come!

If you would like to learn more about SkinnyStix by Zantrex, or pick some up for yourself today, then be sure to check them out HERE on Amazon! You also get this awesome water bottle with your order, which I’m absolutely loving!

Right now, save 20% off Your Purchase + Get FREE Shipping! Use the Code: SSReview at checkout!

What is your biggest obstacle to weightless? Let me know in the comments! I love hearing from you! xo xo

*I was given this product for the purpose of review. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are solely my own. I only share reviews with my readers, I feel will be beneficial or informative in some way.

4 thoughts on “Bikini Season is Here! Zantrex SkinnyStix Has Got Your Back!”

  1. Sounds pretty good! I would take anything that would boost my mood and give me more energy regardless if I lost weight. However, nothing will get me in a bikini. UGH!

  2. sally gearhart

    This does sound amazing & i definitely need to lose about 20 lbs! Mainly around my tummy area too & that is the hardest to lose but this product sounds awesome! Thanks, I’m gonna give it a try 🙂

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