*This post contains affiliate links for which I will be compensated when purchases are made.

The New Year is in full swing and with it comes many New Years Resolutions to get healthier and lose weight! After the Holidays, many of us have overindulged (myself included this year!) and we may be carrying a little extra weight around the middle.
I normally do a pretty good job to maintain my weight, but along with eating way too many sweets over the last few months, I started dating a man that (along with his many other wonderful qualities!) Can really cook! And boy have I indulged!
I went to the doctor a few weeks before Christmas and when I stepped on the scale, I was shocked (And Horrified!) to see I have gained 15 pounds in the last 3-4 months!
Yikes! I haven’t weighed this much since I was 25! I knew my middle was looking a little wider, and my pants were fitting a bit more snug, but I had no idea I had gained that much!
I, of course, made it my resolution this year to drop the 15 lbs and get back down to my normal size, and hopefully get a more toned, tighter tummy in the process! With the large amounts of time I’ve been spending with my new handsome beau, I’ll admit, I’ve totally slacked on my workouts. I normally do a great job to work out on the regular, but I’ve been lucky to squeeze one 30 minute workout in a week lately. I know, I’m not proud of it, but sometimes life catches up with you and the Holiday Season has been one of my busiest for work too!
So since I haven’t worked out really, I wanted to really focus on what I was eating, and finally put down the Holiday Candy for good! Well, my new man is still cooking up a storm, and I really struggle to limit portions when it tastes sooooo good! So I knew I needed some help.
I found out about an awesome product to help in weight loss, in fact, this diet supplement guarantees you’ll lose up to 25 lbs in just 4 weeks! Well with results like that, I figured I’d be nuts NOT to try VivSlim, since I have 15 lbs I’d like to lose ASAP!
Let me first just start off by saying I’ve tried many other weight loss supplements in the past, and while some of them do work, the side effects can often totally not be worth it. And by that I mean jitters galore, anxiety that feels like a heart attack, and mood changing – I’ve just turned into the biggest, witchiest monster ever, side effects.
Because of this, I’ve been pretty turned off by weight loss supplements, but it’s been a few years since I’ve tried one, so I was in hopes that maybe things have changed and there is a better product on the market now.
Well to my surprise and delight, VivSlim is just that! Innovative, progressive, and results-driven – without all those nasty side effects!
VivSlim is a proprietary blend of all-natural ingredients designed to help you lose weight fast by decreasing appetite while increasing energy. This unique blend of natural extracts provides a completely smooth weight loss process that helps you control your hunger impulses safely and effectively.
It includes All Natural Ingredients to help you reach your goal weight safely and efficiently.
These Natural ingredients are Medical Amylum: A variety of starch that promotes satiety and controls the body’s fat intake by blocking the non-fat material converting into fat. Jobsteers Seed: An extract that decomposes body fat, ejects heat, and help the bowels remove waste properly. Bitter Orange Fruit: Which has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve stomach upset, suppress appetite, and assist with mild insomnia. Lotus Leaf: Known as “the slimming natural medicine,” and the “Sacred Lotus,” lowers the body’s cholesterol levels and aids in digestion. Mulberry Leaf: Used in Chinese medicine for maintaining normal blood sugar and blood fat level, urine fluid level, and facilitating bowel movement. Konjac Root: The soluble fibers of the Konjac Root aid in suppressing hunger while working to lower blood cholesterol, slow glucose absorption, lower the glycemic index, and promote regular bowel movements. And Cassia Seed: Sweet, bitter and salty in flavor, cassia seeds are associated with the liver, kidney, and large intestine and work to relax the bowels.
VivSlim is scientifically proven to help you lose weight fast by burning more calories while increasing metabolism. The Great thing about this supplement, is that there are no diet or exercise requirements to participate. VivSlim works by reducing appetite and increasing fat absorption without the unwanted side effects of commercial diet pills such as upset stomach, diarrhea, headaches, facial flushing, congestion, or dizziness. VivSlim’s blends are backed by science to ensure results and the ingredients used are sourced from high-quality natural sources to ensure that people feel great both about integrating VivSlim into their lives day after day, month after month.
On the first day, the first thing I noticed is just how much it actually does suppress the appetite. It’s insane actually! I eat 3 meals a day with a snack or two in between and almost always save room for dessert in the evening. The first day I took this supplement, I took it with a protein shake at breakfast and then started my work day. My stomach is usually screaming at me by at least 2:30 to eat some lunch. I worked until 5 before I even noticed I was hungry again. I had completely skipped my morning snack and my lunch, without even a thought about it!
I ate my dinner at about 6 and what I also noticed and loved, is that I got full really fast! Here’s the thing too, I eat really fast. I absolutely do not not chew the 15-20 chews or however many you’re suppose to take with each bite, and I don’t eat in 20 minutes either, which is about how long it takes for your stomach to let you know you’re full. I eat closer to 5 minutes or even less. Well, I still ate my dinner in a hurry so I could hurry and get to some other things I had planned for the evening, but even a few bites into it, I realized I was already getting full! I was completely amazed to see that I didn’t have to slow down to eat before this pill started kicking in, decreasing my appetite as I ate. I ate about half of what I normally eat for dinner. And here is the other kicker, I almost always crave sweets after my dinner, even after my lunch usually. But today there was no craving for dessert. And it wasn’t just on the first day either. It’s pretty much been the entire few weeks I’ve been taking VivSlim! I’ve hardly eaten (or wanted to eat) any sweets at all!
The Next day, I noticed the ton of energy this supplement gives me! I slept horribly the night before, only getting about 4 hours of sleep, and with no work the next day I figured I’d just try to go back to sleep. I took a VivSlim and did a little bit around the house figuring I’d go back to sleep soon, but instead found myself full of energy and motivated to get some work done! Sleep fell to the wayside until that night at bedtime! I was ready to take on the day without my 8 hours of sleep thanks to VivSlim! I normally can’t function at all with less than 6 hours of sleep!
A few days later, I found myself motivated to get my workout in first thing, and after taking my VivSlim before my workout (without breakfast), I found that I had more energy than I normally do in a workout, and really pushed myself to work harder!
Over the last several weeks, I’ve been amazed by how steady this supplement has been. I have lots of energy and find myself hardly hungry at all. I’ve eaten so much less (which is good because I haven’t necessarily eaten any healthier).
Oh and those nasty side effects you often find with weight loss supplements? None! No anger, no mood swings, no anxiety, and no jitters. The first day was really the only day I noticed that I did feel a tiny bit of anxiety, but by day two, my body had adjusted and I felt back to my normal self.
After trying out this supplement, I’m thrilled to say that I (and my boyfriend!) noticed a big difference in my weight! My stomach feels and looks smaller, my pants are fitting looser, and I’m feeling much better about the way I look again! I’ve lost most of the extra weight and after measuring my tummy, I’ve lost a couple of inches there too! This supplement does indeed work and it does it quickly! I’m hooked! I’m so glad to see that I can use it often too, without negative side effects, and that it’s still healthy and not bad for my body using for months in a row.
The only negative side effects I noticed while using this product, is that I did feel a little backed up (the product is made to not act as a laxative as many other weightless supplements can cause that nasty diarrhea). It should be noted though, that my natural state is to be a bit more backed up than the average person, so this is probably not a problem most people will experience using this product. Sorry, TMI!
Also, I did have some trouble sleeping. I had energy throughout the entire day using this product, but by bedtime, oftentimes I found myself needing to take some sleep aid to fall asleep. The supplement is a great balance of energy through throughout the day. I never felt like I had too much of it, and like someone may have slipped me crack instead of a weight loss pill. This supplement feels more like I had just had an extra cup of coffee or two.
Want to see my results? Check out my Before and After photo below with just 2 weeks of Using VivSlim Daily:
You can totally see my pants are a bit looser in the After pic, and my tummy and obliques seem to be a bit tighter and have a bit more definition too!
Interested in trying it out for yourself and getting into Bikini-Body Shape in 1 month! Visit PremierSlim.com today and be sure to check out all the testimonials from happy clients there!
Happy Dieting!
What are some of your favorite ways to lose weight quickly? Let me know in the comments! I love hearing from you!
Be sure to follow MyStyleSpot on Twitter and Instagram for all things health, fitness, and for some great weight loss tips too!
*I was given this product for the purpose of review. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are solely my own. I only share reviews with my readers, I feel will be beneficial or informative in some way.

Oh wow, hope this will work for us. I came from a family with big frames. Well try tris 🙂