It wasn’t that long ago I started running into a whole lot of health problems.. uhh.. down there. I was getting continual UTI’s and nasty yeast infections too. After several visits to the doctor and rounds and round of antibiotics, I was getting so frustrated that Western Medicine was only treating the symptoms and not helping me get to the root of the problem.
So, I decided to try homeopathy. While being hooked up to a machine that tests your body in a way that your body gives the answers, (I know it sounds a bit hokie if you haven’t tried this before – but bare with me here!) I found some homeopathic drops to help my body fight both the viral and bacterial infections, that was causing my body to become susceptible to these health problems.
I wasn’t surprised to see that my body was having trouble fighting off both viral and bacterial infections, given the circumstances and the health issues I was facing, seemed like the most rational explanation! But what I was super surprised to find out was another big factor in getting sick, through my naturopathic treatments? Sugar! Sugar was the MAIN culprit for ALL of the nasty illnesses down there I had been experiencing regularly for the past 4-5 years!
Yep, my body was having a tough time processing sugar, and that added to the regular PB and J I was eating each day for lunch, was actually causing the yeast infections! because for those of you that have never made bread before, sugar makes yeast grow. It does that inside your body too!
But guess what? The sugar was causing the constant Urinary Tract Infections I was having too?! HOW would sugar cause this?! Well, you see, when my body was getting invaded with bacteria and viral nasties, it was too busy focusing its energy on getting rid of the half a bag of Cadbury mini eggs I ate earlier that day! So while my body was trying hard to fight the sugar, the viral and bacterial pathogens invaded and settled in, and eventually won the battle – and I got sick. Again.
I know many of us already know some of the dangers of too much sugar in the diet. Diabetes for one, obesity – even bigger yikes for some of us! But when I started researching sugar, I was surprised to learn just how many health ailments it’s really responsible for! Google it! You’ll be shocked and never want to touch the scary white stuff again!
Well, I am a professed sugar-
Well, if you can’t beat it, roll with it right?! – or
Luckily, it wasn’t long before I came across Xylitol by MorningPep. OMG You guys- hello godsend! This is the ultimate answer to brownie-
Watch my youtube video to learn more about Xylitol Here:
But GET THIS – Xylitol is actually GOOD for your health! Yep, don’t crane your neck and lean in closer to the screen, you actually read that right! It’s good for you! It actually fights some of the nasty bacteria that gets in your mouth and causes tooth decay and bad breath! Eating Xylitol reguarly can actually help your body fight the cavities and gingivitus everyday! So as you probably guessed, your dentist loves Xylitol too! Just ask her!
But there’s more! It’s good for bone health too! Studies have shown that Xylitol helps slow bone loss of bone tissue and actually protects it! It helps to slow down the loss of bone volume too!

Xylitol will be your next household name too! Why? Because you can use it as a toothpaste, mouth rinse, even cleanser and exfoliant for your face and skin to help rid nasty zit-inducing bacteria, so you’ll actually have a clearer complexion too!
Check out the MorningPep Xylitol Page here on Amazon to get the super easy Xylitol recipes!

Xylitol, of course, makes a great substitute anywhere you would use sugar! I love adding a tsp into my morning coffee and oatmeal, and in place of sugar when baking my favorite brownies!

Since using my new homeopathic remedies and consuming Xylitol regularly over the last year, I’m happy to report a big fat ZERO in health issues down there! (and I was getting them about every 2-3 months!) Yep, no icky yeast infections (because my body isn’t being consumed with as much sugar to fight), and no more excruciatingly painful UTI’s in the last year either (because my body isn’t too busy fighting off sugar to deal with the real problems!)
My mouth is happy because it doesn’t feel like I’m missing out either! I still get to satisfy my sweet tooth, just in a healthier way! Oh, and no cavities at all in the last year either!
Want to learn more and try out and reap all the benefits of using Xylitol from MorningPep too? Check them out at MorningPep.com today!
You can also purchase Xylitol from MorningPep here on Amazon!
ENTER TO WIN IT HERE ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/Buv45f4BpvY/
Have you tried Xylitol before? What’s been your experience! Comment below, I love hearing from you!
Be sure to follow MyStyleSpot on Instagram and Twitter to stay up to date on all things health and fitness!
Scary how many problems sugar really causes!
i try to limit myself of sugar. its hard at times
That’s really interesting that you’re using xylitol as a sugar replacement. I would’ve never thought that was a thing.
Sugar is a major disease link.
Also processing of sugar cane is a huge huge destroyer of the environment and eco system here in South Coastal Florida and beyond.
And, I work to educate and research big bad sugar. ONE effect is coral bleaching and destruction of our unique coral reefs. Ticks me off…and, I am using a nice word. 🙂
This maybe what I need since I am diabetic.
Like to give this a try
Thanks for sharing
I have been wanting to give this a try.
I am so grateful for this blog!
I have never tried Xylitol before and am so happy to know it’s out there! I really need all the help I can get. I have had type 2 Diabetes for 5 years and it’s taken a lot out of me. I have a downfall when it comes to sweets! I need to eliminate sugar all together but it’s been so hard and now I know why I’m getting tons of yeast infections!
It’s time to get my act together because like you said, it’s because my body is too busy fighting sugar instead of what it’s really supposed to be doing!
Thanks so much for the information. I will put it to good use!
My 35 year old niece was just diagnosed with diabetes. This is good info. Thanks.
I’ve always been the dessert maker but recently I’ve been bringing home leftovers from family dinners instead of an empty pan. Everyone is cutting down on sugar for various health reasons. I definitely need to try Xylitol.
I’m glad to hear this led to positive changes in your life. I’m inspired to try it myself!
never heard of this….interesting.
Just started keto and would love to try!
I did not know you could get Urinary Tract Infections from sugar! Crazy! Thank you for the information.
I recently been craving sugar.Dont even want meals.I used to use artificial sweeteners but was getting terrible stomach aches and switched to flavored creamers and now I crave more sugar.Would love trying this
I would love to have my Dad try this. I want to try it too. Looks great
would love to have my Dad try this. I want to try it too. Looks great
I’d love to have my Dad try this. I want to try it too. Looks great
My Dad needs to try this. I want to try it too. Looks great
My Dad needs to try this. Looks great. It will probably be perfect for a lot of people
This is something we need to be able to have choices. My Dad needs to try this. Looks great. It will probably be perfect for a lot of people
This is something we need to be able to have choices. My Dad needs to try this. It will probably be perfect for a lot of people
I don’t consume too many sweets but when I do I prefer all natural & avoid all artificial sweeteners.
Yes, carbs in general are my issue. Loving that there are new wats to substitute rather than substain!
We really do need to try this. Looks great
Thank you.
What an eye opener!!
I have never tried it
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I, too, had my own problems with sugar. The main problem being weight gain. I was starting to get in shape, moving past just working out and wanting to eat better. I switched to a bunch of different sugar substitutes and nothing tasted good! Then I found Pyure, and I love it! But this sounds good, too! I’d love to try it. Thanks for the chance!
Never really thought about how bad sugar can be. I would love to try this
Never really thought about how bad sugar can be. I would love to try it
Very good article, glad I found this – and thank you for the opportunity to win a $400 beauty giveaway!
This is really amazing and everyone needs to rethink how they consume sugar in their daily diet!
I haven’t tried it before because I had never heard of it before. But now that I know I can get it on Amazon I will have to try it
Very interesting!
I eat too much sugar too! It’s a hard one for me to cut out.
Thanks for the great info! Everything in moderation!
I need to try this asap! Thanks so much for this info. Such a great alternative!
Sounds like a great sugar substitute. And good for bone health, too!
Great info!
This is my first time hearing about Xylitol. I’ve recently looked into everything I was eating and getting rid of things that can do harm to my body but just like you I have a huge sweet tooth, I’d have to look into getting this soon.
I just tried this and love it so much. Thank you for sharing.
Sounds great and I am going to try it.
Looking forward to trying!!! Thank you!!!
I love how many different options they are coming out with to help the fight against sugar! This seems like another great solution!
thanks for sharing about the issues you were having. I hate taking meds and also prefer a more natural approach to things.
Very interesting information!
Less sugar is very desirable!
I’d love to try this because I use way too much sugar on a daily basis!
Thank you for this great article. I intend to share this with my mom.
I love this. Great for KETO.
This sounds like a great product. I have been trying to cut back on sugar.
my dad really would use this!
It has been quite a task to find healthy and natural sugar alternatives,this looks like the product I’ve been searching for.
I have not tried Xylitol before, but would like to especially since I start my mornings off drinking coffee with {probably} too much sugar in it. 😉
I concur with your article!
Very interesting indeed
I need this in my life , I like that it’s like sugar but not as bad as other sweetners?
I am totally here for this! I am trying to eat better and a sugar substitute is something I have really been wanting to check out
I use xylitol for my teeth so I would like to try this product out.
The one thing that’s so prevalent in our lives. What an addiction and trouble it is!
Unfortunately I can’t afford $25 for a lb of sugar, but I do try to keep my sugar intake low and use Stevia.
Thanks for all the info.
You always have such great information about products. I don’t use much sugar more, but would like to try this. Follow you on Instagram as Andygal78, twitter as jmdaniel1
I am always looking for sugar substitutes. This looks like a great product.
I have not tried this but did give up sugar a few years back. I have not had any cookies,cakes or sweets and do not miss them.
I totally need to order this and stop eating so much sugar! Thank you for all of the great info!
My glucose is a little high so I have to watch my sugar intake.
sugar is addictive, interesting and eye opening information.
thank you Cindy.
So great to get the sweetness taste I want without the unhealthy sugar
I would like to try this!
This sounds like a wonderful product to try and probably better for your body.
I would love to try this in my morning oatmeal!
Once I start eating sugar, I can’t stop. Anything that will allow me to cut down on the amount I consume plus be satisfied is something I definitely want to try.
We are making an effort to cut sugar a lot, that and all of the crap with high fructose corn syrup. I am going to have to give this a try, I have tried monk sugar and many others that I am not happy with.
I would love to try this! I am diabetic and trying to cut sugar.
It has long been known to prevent cavaties too! can’t go wrong!
This has me thinking about my own recent issues – I’d love to try this and see if it helps
I am a diabetic so I really need to try Xylitol.
interesting info
it actually is amazing all this stuff it can do for you, fighting cavities and bone loss are both important things for someone my age.
I had never heard of xylitol before this. I need to try!!
This is interesting! I’d like to give it a try!
Such amazing info! Thank you for the amazing tips and the research!
This is so informative and more people need to know to take care of their health correctly. Thank you i will look into buying a substitute.
As I got older I eliminated sugar and cut down on carbs in my diet. I’m going to let my sister who is diabetic know about xylitol. I want to try it for my bones and as a face scrub. Thanks for all the info in this post and your video.
I want to try this. I usually sweeten my food and drinks with stevia and honey.
This would be so much better for me than the sugar Im consuming! Less calories and tasteful!
This look like a good item for my sister to try since she is diabetic thanks for sharing this post
I stopped doing creamer and started doing black coffee and sugar now what 🙁
This is healthier than sugar. I have been reading about how bad sugar is for our bodies
For informative and makes complete sense. Something I would have never thought of but could definitely benefit from. Thank you so much for sharing.
I need to try this for my Mother. She has diabetes.
Love to try
I use this in my coffee, I guess I should look into using it in everything.
Thank you for sharing I have cut a great deal of sugar out of my lifestyle. I try to get my sweet with more natural sweeteners and fruits..I suffer from three types of arthritis so important to be rid of the extra sugar as it causes more inflammation in my body. Thank you for sharing I am going to have to give this a try.
this sounds like a great product
Interesting information. Is available in any stores?
You can find it on Morningpep.com or on Amazon.
Interesting information. Is it available in any stores?
I don’t Believe so, but you can find it on MorningPep.com for sure and I think it’s on Amazon too!
I should start using this.
This really interests me since I am a diabetic. Sugar is scary especially for us who have to watch it so closely.
I’ll have to try
I need this in my life! Thank u so much for the giveaways and your blog content.
Sugar is so addicting. Thanks for sharing this post.
I stopped using sugar in my coffee. I only use liquid creamer. Just doing that I’ve lost @ less 25lbs. And I feel so much better. I have not tried your sugar. But I think it would be great in ice tea? And that I would like to try. Thanks so much y’all
Wow very informative…
Sugar is definitely addictive. I mean, it’s incredibly hard to cut it from your diet because you experience withdrawal. I haven’t tried Xylitol, but I sure would.
Sugar causes me to break out. Since limiting my sugar intake, my skin have become a lot clearer.
I’ve never heard of this brand. I’d love to try it. I’m always on the lookout for sugar alternatives. Thanks for posting!
Sugar is my biggest weakness……………………. I have been slowly cutting it out of my life, I do slip up once in a while. But I need to check into this.
It never fails to amaze me how our bodies know when something isn’t right. I’m learning to listen more and use Xylitol!
I haven’t tried using xylitol before but I hadn’t heard that it helped with bone loss. I’m going to research this further with my bone doc! Thanks!
I need to try this!
This sounds like a wonderful product to use , I don’t use sugar in most of my food, Not saying I don;t have sugar. This product sounds like something I would definitely use in my tea and baking.
I’m totally looking into this! I’m a sugar addict as well and need a healthy substitute
I knew sugar was bad but I didn’t think it was really that bad. Looks like I’m gonna have to check into getting some of this.
I have a family member who gets UTI’s all the time. I never heard that sugar could be the culprit. Thanks for posting!
Very interesting! I use a natural toothpaste with xylitol, so it’s nice to know that I’m using a good product.
Thanks for the info I did not know all of that
I am a sugar addict also. I have never heard of Xylitol by MorningPep. I will have to give this a try.